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Take a walk through Erica...

Huis Erica

Huis Erica

Huis Erica is one of the 3 sisters (Seruria and Nemesia) and our main entrance is on Van Riebeeck Road, surrounded by beautiful greenery, trees and benches for the girls to sit on with friends.

Main passage

Main passage

The main inside passage through Erica that leads to the various blocks (A-E) and quads.



Die ontspanningsaal is 'n plek waar al die meisies kan ontspan, drink koffie saam vriendinne en gedurende die winter kan hulle by die vuurplek lekker warm sit. Seuns kan gedurende die week ook in die ontspanningsaal kom kuier.

Tea Garden

Tea Garden

This beautifully manicured quad garden is where girls can come for a bit of piece and quite - to relax with friends and catch a bit of sunshine in the garden.

Computer Room

Computer Room

Girls don't have to go all the way to campus to log onto the university server. We are also equipped with a printer, fax and scanner for the girls to use.

Sêr Kamer

Sêr Kamer

In the sêr kamer, girls can let their musical talents flourish. There's a vintage piano, and more than enough room for our small choir to practice their music pieces.

Laundry room

Laundry room

Die meisies kan hulle goed selfs was of kan hulle goed vir die berco dames gee om te was. Hulle vou die beste op kampus!



The res is equipped with boards that are updated regularly, including: academics, sports, seniors, general notices, culture and MGD.



Ons het 'n paar van die beste uitsigte van ons kamers.

Pink Barrel Quad

Pink Barrel Quad

Huis Erica is the only ladies residence with a licensed pub. This is newly refurbished and is used not only as a pub, but during the day as a TV room, exercise room and also a venue for any braais or social events that the girls might like to have.

Een van ons pragtige uitsigte

Een van ons pragtige uitsigte



Ons het 5 blokke (A tot E) end 3 vloere op elke blok. Op elke vloer is daar 'n "nessie". Dit is vir die meisies op daardie vloer te gebruik as 'n plek om te ontspan, kook, tee of koffie drink en kuier.

Die loopvlak

Die loopvlak

Die lookvlak verbind elke blok, en in die sommer is dit die ideale plek om te tan!

Single Room

Single Room

The res is equipped with both single and double rooms - singles rooms are made available to HK, mentors and seniors with enough kamerpunte. First years share spacious double rooms.

Erica SS

Erica SS

Die Erica SS is 'n plek waar die dames kan in die gemak van hul eie koshuis studeer. Dis ook ideaal vir studeergroepe.

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