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Huis Erica
Universiteit Stellenbosch
Dolce et Decorum Pro est Erica.
- It it sweet and fitting to be in Erica.
Huis Erica is one of the University of Stellenbosch's most prestigious girls' residences. We were established in 1975 and consist of 193 beautiful, diverse and intelligent young women from across the world. We're a tightly knit community and take pride in the way we carry ourselves - we are ladies with style, character and spirit.
Huis Erica is een van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch se mees gesogte dameskoshuise op kampus. Ons was in 1975 gestig en bestaan uit 193 pragtige, verskillende en intelligente jong dames van regoor die wêreld. Ons is 'n hegte gemeenskap en is trots op die manier waarop ons onsself voer - ons is dames met styl, karakter en gees.
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